In 2008, doctors discovered seven lumps in my left breast and one in my right. They were thankfully benign. In 2012, the number of lumps on the left grew to eight. I was told to do a follow up six to twelve months later. Shortly after, we welcomed our first baby so I ignored the doctor’s advice to do a follow-up. I also did not follow up out of fear.Years passed and in June 2017, I had a breast infection while breastfeeding. The medical specialist told me I had multiple lumps and it was best to get a more detailed investigation three months after I stopped breastfeeding. A date was then set in January 2018 for the check up.
My family has been attending New Creation Church [in Singapore] and we are equipped with the knowledge of the Holy Communion, the power of the anointing oil, and the importance of declaring God’s promises over our lives. We would often do all these individually and also together as a family.
As I applied the anointing oil on myself, I would declare that no lumps formed against me shall prosper. I would also quote the verse, “As He is, so are we in this world,” repeatedly.
In January 2018, I went for the ultrasound and to my surprise it was over very quickly. When I saw the breast surgeon an hour later for the results, she looked very puzzled and said to me, “All the lumps on your left breast have disappeared!”
I asked if this was normal as I heard that lumps could come and go. She told me the ones I had weren’t water cysts but rather solid nodules and these nodules once formed would usually not disappear on their own. The only way to get rid of them was through surgery.
The lump I had on the right breast had shrunk since 2012. When the doctor proceeded to do a physical examination on me, she also could not find that lump that she previously detected in June 2017. All eight lumps were gone!
All praise and glory to Jesus my healer!
Andrea Braeckevelt | Singapore