I was a heavy smoker who used to smoke a minimum of one packet of cigarettes per day. One day, I made a decision to quit smoking after hearing a sermon. However, my efforts were in vain. I started smoking again after a few days.
Then, in October 2014, my son gave me Joseph Prince’s book, Destined To Reign, which I read in two weeks. I realized that Jesus had redeemed me, and this life was all about looking to Him, all about believing and receiving what He had already done for me.
I felt a great desire to quit smoking. I reread some chapters from the book again and wrote down my prayer on paper. But this time, I decided not to fight against my cigarette addiction because I knew I could not quit smoking successfully through my own efforts. I just chose to rest in Jesus, receiving His grace and believing that He had finished my addiction at the cross. It was not my battle but His and He had already won it for me.
I just needed to continually realize that I was forgiven and justified by Jesus’ grace, not by my strong determination, obedience, or actions. My justification was in Jesus and it was not about doing what was right but believing what was right.
After struggling to quit smoking for fifty years, miraculously, by simply resting in Jesus’ finished work, I have kicked the habit successfully and effortlessly! I have been free of cigarettes for a few months now. Jesus has done it for me. His work is incredibly amazing in my life. Hallelujah!
Gow Ngak Hui| Indonesia
I’m so excited and I can’t wait to share my story but I can add a little that I’ve been struggling with impatience for some time now but picking up “The Power of Right Believing” I realized I’m more accommodating and listen more. God really loves me and all I can say is Christ obedience is obedience