But two years ago, my heavenly Daddy delivered me from the addiction by placing me in a halfway house. I was stuck there for I could not leave and I could not get anyone to pick me up. And God not only removed my drug addiction, but my smoking addiction at the same time!
While I was in the halfway house, I listened to many grace preachers but always ended up with a feeling of weight on my shoulders. My mother kept telling me to listen to Joseph Prince, but I resisted initially, wondering how a man from Singapore could have anything to say about God’s grace. Boy, was I wrong. Singapore “sent” a missionary to America! Praise the LORD!
Through Joseph Prince’s messages, I found rest in understanding Jesus’ finished work at the cross.
I also learned that condemnation kills and Christ absorbed all my condemnation on the cross.
Once I saw past that, I saw the next crucial thing that GOD IS MY DAD and that means all good things are mine in Christ Jesus!
Today, I am running a successful art business which has grown by leaps and bounds! I now own a home with my new wife and she also has a growing business. In addition, my relationship with my daughter from my previous marriage was also restored. I was not allowed to see her for the past 10 years but now, she has been staying with me over the weekends!
It is truly overwhelming to think of how fast my Dad has restored all the wasted years!
Not only has He restored my life, He restored my heart and mind toward Him. What a contrast to the years when I was still a drug addict, homeless and eating scraps off plates at the houses of drug dealers!
Casey Mills | West Virginia, US
I love these praise reports, because any true message of God should be confirmed with such to show the world that the message of Grace is God’s message.
I wonder when my victory is coming?
Jesus, I need victory in life.
James I pray that you will be next. Your Abba loves you too. In Jesus name Amen. Your sister in Christ. 🙂
My oldest son Chris is currently in prison for a second term due to crime to supply his drug habit. This breaks my heart and I can not and will not dwell on this. But where I chose to dwell is in the heartbeat of my Lord Christ JESUS. I am learning to lean on His breast of love for me and my son. I know without a doubt that my son Chris is delivered, restored and finally set free. For I see what I can not see through the one who’s very name is Salvation. GRACE!
Have You a Ever Ask, What is The Kingdom of God?
I believe that there are a lot of believers who would answer that the Kingdom of God is heaven or even the area of heaven around Gods throne. There might be some who would say that The Kingdom of God surrounds us all the time and it is the heavenly realm that the angels live in that we can’t see with our natural eyes.
There are other who might say that The Kingdom of God is our Lord Christ JESUS Himself.
What do you say?
I had ask our Abba Father God and His answering me was so beautiful, simple and direct.
Abi told me that all these beliefs are aspects of the Kingdom of God and that seeking His dear Son Christ JESUS is most blessed and seeking in the right direction and that in placing Him in the midst of everything will lead us to His Kingdom.
I want to ask again, what is The Kingdom of God and how does seeking our Lord Christ JESUS lead us there?
Before I answer this I want to ask, do you know at how many points on His body our Lord was pierced on the cross?
It was 5. His head, both His hands, His feet together, and then His side nearest to His heart.
What does the number 5 represent in the original Hebrew, knowing that our Lord Christ JESUS was born in this flesh Jewish, the number 5 represents GRACE.
So, now what is seek ye first The Kingdom of God
and seek His Righteousness?
The Kingdom of God that we are to seek, if you haven’t already gotten it is us FIRST seeking His GRACE in The person of our Lord JESUS and our seeking His Righteousness is our knowing and continually proclaiming that ” Hallelujah, I am the righteousness of God in Christ JESUS!”
Matthew 6:31-33 (KJV)
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? …for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
God bless you Sharon in the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We. Pray that the Lord sends some of His beautiful people to my mister the grace message to your son and that the Lord opens his eyes and heals His heart to see our beautiful Abbas love. We are in agreement in prayer with you. God bless. Your sister in Christ. Denise