Praise Report: Daughter Restored with Baby After Miscarriage

On November 21, 2015, during the praise and worship session of Pastor Prince’s Grace Revolution USA Tour at Barclays Center, I heard God speak to me in my spirit that He was going to restore the grandchild I had lost.

You see, on January 17, 2015, my daughter suffered a miscarriage. After receiving God’s word of restoration, I immediately began to thank and praise Him as tears ran down my face. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my daughter would soon be calling me to announce her pregnancy—and she did two weeks later!

I would also like to share that my daughter and son-in-law had tried everything to conceive. They tried special diets, acupuncturists, chiropractors, health food concoctions, and restrictive lifestyles, but nothing worked.

GOD DID IT ALL without special diets, planning, or specialists of any kind! All praise and honor to God and our Lord Jesus!

My daughter delivered her child on August 1, 2016. God has restored to us a 120 percent of what He did not take away. Praise the Lord!

I thank God for His great love. I would also like to give thanks and praise to Him for Pastor Prince’s ministry that is continually bringing the grace message to the nations.

Anonymous | Connecticut, United States