I was raised as a Spirit-filled Christian from childhood and felt God’s wonderful, unconditional love while growing up. I had a relationship with Him that was personal and wonderful. But as an adult, those opportunities to fellowship with others and hear His pure words of unconditional love and peace were nowhere to be found. I searched and searched.
After my husband left me and my two children, and my business began to fail, I felt so alone. It seemed as though everyone hated me. The people in the church I went to turned their backs on me. The guilt and thoughts that I was insane hounded me. I felt as though I was fooling myself for believing that Jesus would accept and love me. I felt like a sinner and an outcast. I missed Him so much it felt as if my heart was bleeding to death. I actually began to think I was crazy.
For a long time, I searched for intimacy with Jesus. One day, I was home because I had lost my job. As I was channel surfing, I came across this interesting preacher from Singapore. I began to watch Joseph Prince talk about the Aleph Tav (the Alpha and Omega) that Jesus is, and I heard the chimes on the stage behind him ring supernaturally.
It was the Lord confirming the Word preached about Jesus and His forgiveness.
I immediately realized that this was the Jesus I knew as a child. I felt Him enter the room I was in. “Ahhhh! There He is! I missed Him so much!” I was on the floor worshipping and weeping. I was amazed that anyone could minister Jesus right into the room. I thought those days were over for me.
My guilt was gone. My new walk with the Lord and this ministry from Singapore had begun. My heart began to heal. And now, it no longer bleeds with sorrow. I am healed and my life is healed. I am beginning a new career that fits me better than the last one I lost. The Lord also brought me a wonderful man who loves Him as much as I do and my new marriage is wonderful.
Most of all, my children understand how Jesus can replace that which was broken.
Thank you for bringing Jesus to me again. Thank you for your fellowship. May God bless you and all the wonderful people supporting this ministry.
Elizabeth Gore | United States, Oklahoma
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