You need look no further than 3 John 1:2 for a prayer that reflects what God’s heart for you clearly is. This verse is the reason you can know without a doubt that He wants you healed, healthy and fully provided for, just as much as He wants your soul to prosper!
Don’t go by human experiences to know if God wants His people healed today. If you say, “Well, I know of Christians who are sick,” I can point you to many others whom God has healed. We’re not called to base our believing on human experiences. We’re called to believe God’s Word.
Beloved, never put your eyes on people and their experiences, even good ones. The basis of your faith must always be God’s Word. If you are sick today, don’t focus on your symptoms or compare yourself with someone else. Meditate on His healing promises and believe that God still heals and blesses today because His Word says so!
Thank you my Lord and dear joseph prince, i listen your preaching on u-tube facebook too. I want to say thanks to our Lord and Heavenly Father for giving me opportunity to listen joseph prince. Lord is changing everything in my life through right believing.i always claim that i righteousness of God in my Lord Jesus Christ and He responds everyday. My God bless you more and through you millions more souls, in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
What is the permissive will of God in our lives.