Today’s Scripture
And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.
Hebrews 10:19–22 NLT
My friend, do you know how dangerous it is to believe that being right with God hangs on your ability to confess every sin? Without the assurance of complete forgiveness, believers are sin-conscious, burdened with guilt and shame, condemned by the enemy, joyless, and totally insecure about their salvation. I know. I’ve been there.
So is Joseph Prince against a Christian confessing his sins? Let me say this clearly: I do believe in the confession of sins and I still do confess my sins. But there’s a big difference now—I confess my sins knowing that all my sins are already forgiven. I don’t confess my sins to be forgiven.
Because we have a close relationship with our heavenly Father in the new covenant, I can be honest with Him when I’ve done wrong.
I can talk to Him about it, receive His grace for my weakness, and move forward knowing full well that He has already forgiven me through His Son’s sacrifice.
Beloved, our forgiveness was purchased perfectly with our Lord’s precious blood. It is not contingent on how perfectly we are able to confess our every sin. How can our forgiveness be dependent on the consistency, frequency, and quality of our confessions? That is bound to fail!
Our forgiveness is dependent on our faith in the quality of our Lord’s sinless blood that was shed at the cross.
There is a world of difference between these two bases for our forgiveness, and it results in a world of difference to your peace of mind! And the effect this revelation produces in our lives is a desire to want to live a life that glorifies our Savior. He who knows that he is forgiven much—forgiven of all, actually—will love much (see Luke 7:47 NLT).
It is this revelation of the cleansing power of Jesus’ shed blood, as clearly stated in today’s Scripture, that is the launching pad to living life with greater boldness and confidence. Do you see? Boldness comes when you realize that because of Jesus’ cleansing blood, you don’t need to hide from God, afraid that He is out to get you for your sins. You can have boldness to enter the holiest presence of God with a heart that fully trusts Him, and with a conscience that is free of guilt and condemnation.
This is the new and life-giving way God wants you to live by, one where you can confidently approach His throne of grace at any time to receive His mercy, favor, help, blessings, and life!
My friend, whatever your challenges, if you will actively possess your perfect and complete forgiveness in Christ, you can overcome them and enjoy life at a whole new level, with greater boldness and confidence!
Today’s Thought
Because my conscience is sprinkled clean from guilt and condemnation by the blood of Jesus, I can have boldness and confidence to enter the holiest presence of God with a heart that fully trusts Him.
Today’s Prayer
Father, thank You that my forgiveness is not contingent on how perfectly I am able to confess my every sin, but is dependent on my faith in the quality of Jesus’ sinless blood that was shed at the cross. Thank You for the peace of mind and joy that this truth produces—my conscience is sprinkled clean from guilt and condemnation by the blood of Jesus. I am so grateful that because of what He has done for me, I can always have boldness and confidence to enter Your holiest presence with a heart that fully trusts that You are always for me. Amen.
This reading is taken from Joseph Prince’s new devotional, Glorious Grace. Get your copy today!
Thank you Pastor Joseph for being a faithful Minister of Christ of His Grace and Truth!
Could I ask a favour, the devotions which are Blessing, could the ministry put the subject heading of the devotion in the subject section of the email it helps to store these and retrieve these.
Thank you so much
This is lovely, all my sins have been forgiven, and i thank Jesus and his precious blood
thank you pastor prince this is such a great message to my soul, mind & heart woow i can go boldly to the throne of God