Over the years, we have been receiving testimony after testimony about how people’s lives have been touched and transformed by the grace of God. Many are finding freedom from their long-term conditions, addictions, and bondages. They share joyfully with us how the Lord supernaturally delivered them from panic attacks, substance abuse, and decades of depression. Others write in, brimming with thanksgiving, because God has restored their marriages and their relationships with their estranged children, and healed their bodies when doctors had given them no hope. Indeed, there is a grace revolution that is sweeping across the world!
I remember the Lord telling me in 1997 that if I didn’t preach His grace radically without compromise, lives would not be radically blessed. I’ll never forget His words, and since then, I have endeavored to preach the word of His grace without compromise. And true to the Lord’s words, preaching His pure, unadulterated grace has resulted in countless lives all over the world being gloriously blessed and transformed. As a pastor with a heart for God’s precious flock, I couldn’t ask for anything more.
This is why I’m so excited to share with you about my latest book, Grace Revolution—Experience the Power to Live Above Defeat. Only God’s grace can bring about real, inside-out transformation, and bring a person from a place of brokenness and defeat to a place of boldness and victory.
Of all the books I’ve written, this is one of the most important. In this book, you’re going to hear about how God’s grace is all about His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and what Jesus has already paid for and secured for you through His finished work at the cross. What He has accomplished is the reason you can reign over every addiction, bondage, and stronghold that’s keeping you in defeat, and live out His glorious plans for your life.
My friend, I believe that as you delve into this book and have your own personal encounter with the person of grace, Jesus, and you let His words of grace anchor your heart and mind, your life will never be the same again.
I would love for you to visit our new website, www.gracerevbook.com. You’ll be able to watch a video trailer and download the first chapter of the book. I truly believe that you’ll begin to find the answers to the victorious life that you’ve been looking for and be abundantly blessed.
Let the revolution begin!
My life has really transformed since I started listening to the gospel of grace. I now enjoy my life in Godly way even when things are tough knowing that all was provided for on the cross. God bless pastor Prince
I have been blessed in many ways through your Ministry.I read your posts daily on facebook so also watch some of your teaching clips.I will surely check for your books here in Lagos and if it has to be ordered I might.You are a real blessing to the body of Christ.
How i daily thank God for Pastor Prince for bringing us back to our true love in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ – life has never been the same and life will never be the same under His amazing Grace!
Praise God. Indeed I was delivered from serious anxiety and panic attacks after I started listening to Ps Prince. Indeed you are a true man of God. I so identify with everything you say. For the first time in my life, I truly believed that God loves me and is ever close with His loving arms wrapped all around me. May God bless you Ps Prince. You have made me believe so much and so strongly in a loving God. I am at ease knowing that God loves me permanently and that His love for me is not based on my emotions. Wow! The gospel is indeed good news.
Pastor Prince, your books have completely changed my life and opened me up to a life of freedom I never knew existed. Thank you so much for your faithfulness in proclaiming the Gospel of Grace.
I love you sir.
I am so thankful for your whole ministry. Your books and sermons has opened up my understanding so much and you keep feeding me more and more. It nourishes my soul. Thank you Pastor Prince and do not ever stop. I have been around for a long time, meaning I am up there in age and have been in church all my life, yet never have I learned so much and been this close to God. I’m blessed to have found you and your ministry.