The Bible tells us, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly…” This means that while the ungodly can give counsel, the blessed man does not depend on it nor walk in it. On the contrary, his delight is in the Word of God, which is the person of Jesus (John 1:14).
Beloved, whose counsel are you walking in today for your provision? When it comes to your finances, be wary of ungodly counsel that promises you quick short-term gains that could cause you to get into a debt trap.
Let your delight be in Jesus. See Him in the Scriptures as you meditate on it day and night. As you spend time with Him, you will enjoy the blessings of abundance as a by-product of just being in His presence. As you delight in Him through His Word, you will bring forth fruit in season, your leaf (your health) will not wither and whatever you do becomes abundantly blessed!