Seeing Jesus In The Word Gives Life (Part 3/3)

See Jesus in the Word and experience the resurrection life of God in your areas of weakness and barrenness. Join Joseph Prince in this three-part series and understand what it means to seek and see Jesus in the Word. Experience for yourself how this practice leads to greater intimacy with Jesus, divine healing and abundant life.

Experience Life And Health

As you simply behold Jesus and His glory, you are transformed into His image from glory to glory. You become more and more like Jesus. He becomes your strength, your wisdom and your holiness. He pours into you His love, joy, and peace, driving out every fear in you. You are not changed by your self-efforts. It is by “the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18). If you read the context of this verse, you will see that Paul also wrote, “the Spirit gives life” (verse 6) and “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (verse 17). That’s why, when you see Jesus in the Scriptures, you encounter His Spirit, and His Spirit imparts life and liberty to you. If you are sick, His life will swallow up that sickness and infuse you with strength. If you are hooked on nicotine or pornography, those chains will be broken and you will experience true freedom!

When you see Jesus in the Scriptures, you encounter His Spirit, who imparts life and liberty to you.

Many a time, just looking at Jesus in the Gospels has healed me. Once, when I was down with a nasty fever, the Lord told me to simply read about His healing miracles in the Gospels. He even told me to forget the teaching or doctrinal aspects, and to just focus on His grace, compassion, and willingness to heal the sick. So in the midst of my weakness, I plunged into the Scriptures and soon found myself in the presence of the Great Physician, the giver of life. I bathed in His love for me and just saw His goodness and willingness to heal me since He healed every single person who came to Him for healing. I didn’t have to wait too long before the fever departed. No hands were laid on me and there was no worship music being played in the background. Without fanfare, but simply by reading the Word in the quietness of my room and soaking in the love of Christ, I received His health unconsciously and effortlessly.

My friend, if you are sick today, just open your Bible to the Gospels and feed on Jesus in every healing miracle. See His compassion, willingness, and power to heal you. Don’t get caught up with the theology or dos and don’ts of healing. Just receive the love of Christ and His abundant supply of healing, health, and life. I’m telling you, in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy and overflowing life. His joy is your strength and His resurrection life will drive out that sickness!

That’s how you partake of the divine life and nature of God. That’s how you make chronic fatigue and long-term ailments a thing of the past. That’s how you walk in His divine health, strength, vigor, and life every day. So make a decision today to open your Bible. Begin to seek and see the Lord. He is your healer and provider. I tell you, you can’t help but walk in a greater measure of health and provision!

His Life For Persistent Conditions

“Pastor Prince, I’ve been doing that for the past week, but I’m still sick. Is there something wrong with me? What should I do?”

My friend, don’t feel condemned because you are still sick and don’t give up on your healing. I know—and I want you to know—beyond a shadow of a doubt that your heavenly Father wants you well. His will is for you to be healthy and strong (3 John 1:2). Don’t go by what you can see or feel, but by the unchanging Word of God. His Word is truth and it supersedes all the negative reports and symptoms. Keep seeing and feeding on Jesus in the Word, even if the symptoms persist. Just continue to read the Word, mixing it with faith as you behold the glory of Jesus and His amazing love for you. You will get better and better each day—first the thirtyfold, then the sixtyfold, and finally the hundredfold!

Keep seeing and feeding on Jesus in the Word, even if the symptoms persist. You will get better and better.

Maybe your challenge right now isn’t a physical condition. The answer is still the same. Whatever your challenge or weakness, however long they’ve persisted, continue to see the beauty and compassion of the Lord Jesus in the Word. If you’ve been trusting God for a financial breakthrough, see Him taking a paltry portion of two fish and five loaves, and multiplying it for people He had compassion on. As you feed on His willingness and ability to take care of you, the same miracle will manifest in your life. Maybe what you want to see is a resurrection of romance and love in your relationship with your husband or wife. So see Him turning the water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Just as He turned plain water into intoxicating wine for the wedding couple, He will do the same for your relationship without you struggling to do it on your own.

‘Open My Eyes, Lord’

My friend, I hope I have ignited a fresh desire in you to get into God’s Word. Are you ready for an exciting road trip to Emmaus? Are you ready to receive an infusion of life and experience glorious transformation? Then, start your adventure with an honest prayer. Come to the Father and say, “Father, open my eyes to see Jesus in all His glory, beauty, and love toward me. I am ready for Emmaus Road. I am ready to receive an impartation of life and be transformed!”

Listen my friend, you are not just reading any book, you are reading God’s precious love letter to you. So open your Bible knowing that God loves you intimately and unconditionally, and wants to commune with you. When you realize that He is your best friend and lover, it’s not hard to hear from Him or to talk to Him. His Holy Spirit in you will open up the Scriptures to you and guide you into all His loving truths.

Come to God and His Word like a little child, and stand under the shower of His never-ending supply of life.

That’s how I approach reading the Bible. I don’t rely on my own intelligence nor do I assume that the Scriptures will open up to me just because I am a pastor. But I believe that God loves me despite my inadequacies, and just like you, I need to depend on the Holy Spirit. And while I have numerous Bible study software, concordances, dictionaries, and access to a wealth of Bible information on the Internet, I don’t depend on these things. I may use them, but my dependence is still completely on the Holy Spirit, the one who inspired the Bible and who always bears witness to and opens our eyes to Jesus.

Beloved, come to God and His Word like a little child, and stand under the shower of His never-ending supply of life. While you may already be familiar with many of the stories in the Bible, read them again with fresh eyes, trusting the Holy Spirit to show you God’s grace and compassion toward you. You won’t be disappointed. God’s Word gives life! You will experience His abundant supply of life as you simply allow the waves of His love and glory to wash over you!

<< Read Seeing Jesus In The Word Gives Life Part 2/3

<< Read Seeing Jesus In The Word Gives Life Part 1/3

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Heaven’s Cure For Earthly Ills



  • Marlene Ewers says:

    Thank you Pastor Prince, I trust God almighty for a turn around in my financial situation…

  • mary j says:

    Amen! There’s everything I need in God’s words. Thank you Jesus♥

  • Overwhelmed says:

    I have gained great joy over the years from the teaching of JP yet despite resting in Him and receiving his grace in many situations the past year has become unbearable. I was diagnosed with MS in 2003 and low level symptoms leave me with constant fatigue with occasional severe symptoms. We have discovered our son has a rare form of high functioning autism which makes him depressed sometimes suicidal. He’s terrified of school and social situations, has awful sensory issues such as loud shouting. This means he can’t even watch pastor Prince because he shouts when excited and my son gets scared because he thinks he’s angry. His school are now threatening legal action because he hasn’t been able to go for 5 weeks due to anxiety. How long can this go on before God changes things?

  • erinfolami ruth says:

    Am not sick but having been waiting unto God for a life partner , with. series of prayer and fasting still have seen no one pls what is your advice for me.

  • Ernest Kakula Muendo says:

    Very encouraging portion . I love your teachings pastor .

  • Melba Aquino Padlan says:

    Yes Pastor Prince, I am completely trusting the Lord Jesus….Hallelujah…

  • This is all I need in the rest of my life.Thank you Holy Spirit;Thank you Jesus and Thank you Heavenly Dad God Abba Father.

  • Patrick says:

    wow! I’m blessed of this message!

  • imelda says:

    Very inspiring message thay refresh our daily life

  • dike says:

    Pastor prince,I am 15 and honestly most times when I read my bible I always feel condemned cause I find out that I don’t measure up.But when I listen to sermons u preach I seem to get more grace than when I read the word myself.I even get more in the daily devotional than reading the word there any difference btwn listening to sermons about his grace, reading your daily devotional and reading the word is much “easier” to listen to sermons than to read the word myself?.I know my question is weird but I’d like to know.

    • Mandy says:

      Hi there! It’s not a weird question 🙂 It’s fine to listen to sermons and read the daily devotional if it helps you better. You are still seeing Jesus in the Word being preached. After all, God has ordained anointed preachers to break down the Word for us (see Rom 10:14) into bite-size, understandable pieces like Pastor Prince. After you’ve heard the message and read the daily devo, you can always go back to the Bible to confirm on the Word that you’ve heard or read in the devo, to read about our Lord Jesus! For me, listening to Pastor Prince preach about the Word gives me the desire to go back to the Bible and see for myself how awesome our Lord is. Hope this helps you!

  • Kyle Spears says:

    Great Word! Thank you!

  • Marianne Janse van Vuuren says:

    Thank you, Pastor Prince. Once again you have opened my spirit eyes to the glorious truths of the Word. Thank you so much for your programme on Faith TV in South Africa. I so wish we could see it twice a day again (morning and evening) like it was on TBN before Faith TV took over. I also watch you on Rhema TV and appreciate keeping in touch through Facebook. God bless you even more; you have totally and radically changed my life, just by preaching the truth from the Word without all the bells and whistles of religion that I grew up with. Thank you!

  • Arakaza says:

    God bless you pastor Joseph Prince! Through you, my life has been transformed from inside out! Am a new creation daughter of Abba

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