Praise Report: Family Relationships Restored

My marriage used to be furiously stormy—my husband became abusive toward me after he lost his job and money in 2005. Our three children were still toddlers at that time. I cried painful tears due to his physical, emotional, and verbal assaults. We had been to various pastors and guardians for counseling but to no avail.

I have been watching Pastor Prince on YouTube and his television program for some time now. His messages have helped me greatly. Through his teachings, I learned about my Abba Father’s unconditional love and the power of the Holy Communion.

By the grace of God, I was able to apply these truths in my life and saw improvements at home. My husband has become calmer and less abusive as the Lord restores his prayer life. God has also restored relationships in the family.

My heart is now at peace and full of hope for better things to come. My faith and love for my beautiful Savior have also greatly rekindled when I learned that I was first loved by Him. This helps me to love others despite my challenges.

Pastor Prince, thank you for taking courage to preach the gospel of grace that reveals Christ in us. Thank you for showing that Jesus is not just a hero who once existed; He is the Savior of the world who still lives, saves, and delivers today. May the Lord bless you, your family, church, and ministry.

The writer has requested to remain anonymous | Kenya

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